I've recently tried to switch to Audacious, and man it's buggy. Way more buggy than xmms. ...
8 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
18102 NEW --- maj Sisyphus rpm-buil nobody aris %setup_python_module recursion error
31029 NEW --- min Sisyphus rpm-buil imz asy Комментарии на русском языке в macros.d/python
31808 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm-buil imz lav Добавить макрос python_test
32199 NEW --- enh Sisyphus rpm-buil imz imz require the enclosing dir or corresponding python(.) module
32203 NEW --- enh Sisyphus rpm-buil imz imz employing %python_req_hier would require a special treatment for six.moves.* deps
26297 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm-buil nobody vitty Gets wrong Requires from renamed imports
38765 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm-buil imz iv /usr/lib/rpm/python.compileall.py doesn't skip symlinks
18826 ASSI --- nor Sisyphus rpm-buil nobody rlz Файлы, имеющие '\0' в закоментированной строке обрабатываются не корректно

File a new bug in the "rpm-build-python" component of the "Sisyphus" product