...IBM продает серваки с солярой, sun продает серваки с линуксом, мелкософт торгует SuSe, а на сан файр 15к ставят висту... ...
4 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
18268 CLOS WONT maj ALT Linu installe boyarsh imz the creation of swap should be the second thing
18269 CLOS DUPL nor ALT Linu installe boyarsh imz bad usability of the dialog for creating/labelling/mounting partitions
17728 CLOS WONT nor Branch 5 cross-co nobody ldv [META] 5.0 FR
23756 CLOS WONT maj Branch 4 installe nobody imz the creation of swap should be the second thing