Unit tests are a good thing. Good developers recoil in horror when they see a failing unit test. They should drop everything until the test has been fixed. ...
4 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
49451 NEW --- nor Sisyphus alt-gpgk glebfm enp Обновление ssh-ключа
49444 NEW --- nor Sisyphus alt-gpgk glebfm cetus Обновление ssh-ключа
33563 NEW --- nor Sisyphus alt-gpgk glebfm boris Добавить ключ DrWeb
19178 NEW --- enh Sisyphus alt-gpgk glebfm the.pythy [FR] Ключи на публичном сервере

File a new bug in the "alt-gpgkeys" component of the "Sisyphus" product