'extra time' and 'extra bureaucratic overhead to think things through' is about the worst thing you can inject into a development process. -- Ingo Molnar ...
8 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
41777 NEW --- nor Infrastr cross-co placeholder saahriktu 40 пакетов давно не пересобирались и не проходят проверку по ключам
38490 NEW --- enh Infrastr cross-co ldv vle Формальная процедура разрешения споров
35848 NEW --- nor Infrastr cross-co placeholder vseleznv Lack of /etc/localtime in the build environment
25358 REOP --- nor Infrastr cross-co placeholder solo Шрифты в составе не шрифтовых пакетов
20707 NEW --- enh Infrastr cross-co placeholder erthad FR: alterator.altlinux.org
16184 NEW --- nor Infrastr cross-co placeholder dottedmag LDAP или иная база данных о майнтайнерах Team
16182 NEW --- nor Infrastr cross-co placeholder dottedmag security.a.o
16178 NEW --- enh Infrastr cross-co placeholder dottedmag [FR] git collaboration tool

File a new bug in the "cross-component" component of the "Infrastructure" product