It's the sort of adrenaline experience that others, perhaps, seek through horror movies, bungee jumping, investing in equities, or PHP programming. (Jon Corbet) ...
4 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
15333 NEW --- nor Sisyphus ltsp-ser mike mike [META] LTSP implementation/support metabug
31430 NEW --- nor Sisyphus ltsp-ser mike berkut_174 Отсутствие/заикание звука на тонком клиенте
34004 NEW --- nor Sisyphus ltsp-ser mike berkut_174 Иконка ярлыка у флешки
25077 ASSI --- nor Sisyphus ltsp-ser mike nik Пожелание о включение следующих программ в Терминал

File a new bug in the "ltsp-server" component of the "Sisyphus" product