`I told all of my friends how they were losers for running UNIX. They should switch to NT.... That was more or less my constant refrain until a single pivotal event changed my life: I actually tried to use NT.' (Philip Greenspun) ...
47 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
50528 NEW --- min Sisyphus rpm placeholder naf Unexpanded template values in the /usr/lib/rpm/macros file
50128 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder arseny lua error() in %pretrans does not abort the transaction
48638 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder a.slepykh NO_EFFECT необязательное сравнение с 0 в rpm-
48637 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder aiburke Целочисленное переполнение в rpm-
48635 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder aiburke Разыменование нуля в rpm-
48313 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder e.bykhanova MEMORY_LEAK в rpm-
48312 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder e.bykhanova Разыменование нуля в rpm-
47592 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder rider Отсутствует /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d/altlinux-release
46839 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder lav rpm позволяет установить произвольный пакет
46705 NEW --- enh Sisyphus rpm placeholder arseny zstd payload support for binary packages
45764 NEW --- enh Sisyphus rpm asheplyakov asheplyakov rpm: упрощение начальной (bootstrap) сборки
45763 ASSI --- enh Sisyphus rpm asheplyakov asheplyakov rpm: поддержка архитектуры LoongArch
45615 REOP --- enh Sisyphus rpm placeholder family-gan hdr data: BAD, no. of bytes out of range
44626 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm mike antohami rpm --eval %_priority_distbranch должен возвращать имя репозитория
43975 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder rider разные значения для %_target_platform у rpm и rpmbuild
40621 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder vt Enable RPM signature verification
40348 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder imz due to lock race, concurrent conflicting transactions can complete
40145 NEW --- min Sisyphus rpm placeholder ilyakurdyukov Неинформативная ошибка при использовании rpm -i без %_topdir в ~/.rpmmacros
40081 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder s Старые маны для rpm
40017 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder aborodin rpm: partially broken i18n
38706 NEW --- min Sisyphus rpm placeholder imz bad Russian translation of a message
38130 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder lav add_changelog не работает с вложенными условиями
36194 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder imz _upgrade_honor_buildtime doesn't impose a strict order of upgradability
35815 NEW --- enh Sisyphus rpm placeholder evg FR: Избавиться от "(contains no files)"
35405 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder asheplyakov запуск триггеров навсегда отключается при запуске apt-get install через ssh
35208 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder aas posttrans filetriggers scriptlet failed
34619 NEW --- cri Sisyphus rpm placeholder darktemplaralt rpm неправильно обрабатывает замену симлинков
34397 NEW --- enh Sisyphus rpm placeholder asy Обновить до 4.14 (rich dependencies support)
34204 NEW --- enh Sisyphus rpm placeholder ldv rpmkeys lacks a method of obtaining the signature creation time
33569 NEW --- enh Sisyphus rpm nobody mike [FR] более внятная диагностика при сбое cpio
32940 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder asy rpm 4.0.4: портится база, если в момент обновления кончается место на разделе.
32886 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder lav rpm --checksig (ОТСУТСТВУЮТ КЛЮЧИ: (SHA1) DSA#2adbeae5 GPG#2adbeae5)
32880 NEW --- min Sisyphus rpm placeholder asy 4.13: Выдаёт ошибку при обновлении с --force на ту же версию.
32433 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder imz rpm -U --replacepkgs --replacefiles can't bear self-conflicts (via virtual Provides)
32387 NEW --- maj Sisyphus rpm placeholder imz rpm -i creates files with wrong names sometimes (/var/lib/ldap/dev/log symlink)
29823 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder sin Логика удаления files-awaiting-filetriggers при выполнении posttrans-filetriggers
26769 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder viy rpm -i fails to install some Mandriva source rpms (rpm5.org src.rpms?)
26514 NEW --- maj Sisyphus rpm placeholder mike posttrans-filetriggers loops indefinitely when %_tmppath is unreachable
25096 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder sem rpm cannot change directory to symlink
19022 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder led arch athlon_xp is present but not supported
17719 NEW --- enh Sisyphus rpm placeholder imz a mechanism for maintaining consistent intended relations between /etc/passwd and /etc/group
16968 NEW --- enh Sisyphus rpm placeholder ender [FR] Документирование %find_lang в README.ALT
15272 NEW --- enh Sisyphus rpm placeholder dottedmag There is no clear separation between internal and external macros in macrofiles
14291 NEW --- enh Sisyphus rpm placeholder led add K8 arch
14048 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder ildar Database blocking syncronization
8534 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rpm placeholder mhz rpmi -i --force results in package duplication in some cases
1603 ASSI --- maj Sisyphus rpm placeholder vanyaz rpm -e succeeds even if it doesn't remove the files actually

File a new bug in the "rpm" component of the "Sisyphus" product