The calice reconstruction software is currently manged with the stupid content tracker (git). It allows to easily mess with different branches of the software and destroy your day-work in one blink. ...
3 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
24214 NEW --- cri Sisyphus yelp aris cas [p5] "file:///fakefile#index" is invalid
16795 REOP --- nor Sisyphus yelp aris ildar неправильное перекодирование man-страниц
1946 REOP --- maj Sisyphus yelp aris bloodmary Yelp отказывается показывать что-либо из \'Дополнительных документов\' (руководства, info)

File a new bug in the "yelp" component of the "Sisyphus" product