Middle age is when your broad mind and narrow waist begin to change places -- E. Joseph Cossman ...
13 bugs found | Edit Search | Change Columns |
ID Status Resolution Sev Product Comp Assignee Reporter Summary
24332 NEW --- blo Sisyphus TORCS lav crux CVE-2010-3384: insecure library loading
38218 ASSI --- blo Sisyphus erlang nbr mike epmd должен слушать только loopback из коробки
50308 NEW --- nor Branch p freerdp3 cas klokov Security release 3.5.1
48822 NEW --- nor Branch p gem-pupp cas wabowox978 puppet update
35500 ASSI --- nor Sisyphus ghostscr george mike опять дырки в gs...
37350 NEW --- maj Sisyphus kernel-i vt mike [PATCH] CVE-2019-17666 в rtlwifi
20841 NEW --- blo Sisyphus libcdf lav crux Common Data Format CDF File Processing Vulnerabilities
24329 NEW --- blo Sisyphus mono-deb shaba crux CVE-2010-3369: insecure library loading
49420 NEW --- nor Sisyphus rt viy ogldelphi Несколько CVE в RT 4.4.4+: CVE-2022-25802, CVE-2023-41259, CVE-2023-41260
48821 NEW --- nor Branch p salt cas wabowox978 salt update
31146 NEW --- nor Sisyphus update-p nobody zerg Нет автоматического обновления
49850 NEW --- nor Sisyphus xz placeholder zerg Affected >= 5.4.3
49355 NEW --- nor New/prop Обычный cas rkcgkhano2024 PortMaster