Bug 3580

Summary: su command breaks utmp
Product: Sisyphus Reporter: Ivan Pesin <ipesin>
Component: suAssignee: placeholder <placeholder>
Status: CLOSED FIXED QA Contact: qa-sisyphus
Severity: major    
Priority: P2 CC: glebfm, ldv, placeholder
Version: unstable   
Hardware: all   
OS: Linux   
Description Flags
SimplePAMApps-0.60-owl-alt-login-su-ut_id.patch none

Description Ivan Pesin 2004-02-03 15:01:09 MSK
su command breaks utmp log in Alt Linux Master 2.2 + updates 
and w/who commands show wrong info

[ivan@eagle ivan]$ ssh sirius
ivan@sirius's password:
Last login: Mon Feb  2 13:25:52 2004 from eagle.n-ix.com.ua
[ivan@sirius ivan]$ w
 13:26:40  up 17:23,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU  WHAT
ivan     pts/0    eagle.n-ix.com.u  1:26pm  0.00s  0.07s  0.01s  w
[ivan@sirius ivan]$ su -
[root@sirius root]# w
 13:26:45  up 17:23,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU  WHAT
ivan     pts/0    eagle.n-ix.com.u  1:26pm  0.00s  0.15s  0.10s
root     pts/0    localhost         1:26pm  0.00s  0.15s  0.02s  w
[root@sirius root]#

Now, open another one connection to this server:

[ivan@eagle ivan]$ ssh sirius
ivan@sirius's password:
Last login: Mon Feb  2 13:26:39 2004 from eagle.n-ix.com.ua
[ivan@sirius ivan]$ w
 13:27:39  up 17:24,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU  WHAT
ivan     pts/0    eagle.n-ix.com.u  1:26pm 54.00s  0.13s  0.10s
ivan     pts/1    eagle.n-ix.com.u  1:27pm  0.00s  0.05s  0.01s  w
root     pts/0    localhost         1:26pm 54.00s  0.13s  0.06s  -bash
[ivan@sirius ivan]$ su -
[root@sirius root]# w
 13:27:44  up 17:24,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU  WHAT
ivan     pts/0    eagle.n-ix.com.u  1:26pm 59.00s  0.13s  0.10s
ivan     pts/1    eagle.n-ix.com.u  1:27pm  0.00s  0.09s  0.08s
root     pts/1    localhost         1:27pm  0.00s  0.09s  0.01s  w
[root@sirius root]#

Now you can notice absence of the line
root     pts/0    localhost         1:26pm 54.00s  0.13s  0.06s  -bash

Steps to Reproduce:
1. ssh to ALM2.2 as user 
2. issue "su" command
3. open another ssh connection to the ALM2.2 server
4. issue "su" command
Actual Results:  
you will see three entries

Expected Results:  
there should be four entries
Comment 1 Dmitry V. Levin 2004-02-03 23:52:49 MSK
Does logout from second root session (pts/1) unhides first root session (pts/0)? 
Comment 2 Ivan Pesin 2004-02-04 01:36:01 MSK
yes, if I logout second root session, first one apears again:

[root@sirius root]# w
 00:34:35  up 2 days,  4:31,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU  WHAT
ivan     pts/0    post-gw.litech.n 12:30am  4:23   0.10s  0.10s  /usr/sbin/sshd
ivan     pts/1    post-gw.litech.n 12:30am  0.00s  0.17s  0.10s  /usr/sbin/sshd
root     pts/1    localhost        12:34am  0.00s  0.17s  0.02s  w
[root@sirius root]# logout
[ivan@sirius ivan]$ w
 00:34:51  up 2 days,  4:31,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU  WHAT
ivan     pts/0    post-gw.litech.n 12:30am  4:39   0.10s  0.10s  /usr/sbin/sshd
ivan     pts/1    post-gw.litech.n 12:30am  0.00s  0.09s  0.01s  w
root     pts/0    localhost        12:30am  4:39   0.10s  0.04s  -bash
[ivan@sirius ivan]$
Comment 3 Dmitry V. Levin 2004-02-04 17:26:38 MSK
I can reproduce this in Sisyphus, thanks. 
Comment 4 Dmitry V. Levin 2004-02-04 18:43:03 MSK
Created attachment 341 [details]

This patch (partial undo of the SimplePAMApps-0.60-owl-login-su-ut_id.patch)
fixes the problem. Looks like ut_id calculation algorithm in our SimplePAMApps
differs from openssh and libutempter.
I'll contact origin of the patch about that.
Comment 5 Ivan Pesin 2004-02-06 20:06:07 MSK
It looks it's not a good patch.
I've applied it to the SimplePAMApps-0.60-alt15.src.rpm, build it and installed.

After that if I issue "su -" command, my name changes to "root" in "w" command, 
while in *nix systems I've ever used, after su'ing, "w" command shows my real 

Note: when using "su" command  without "-" parameter the username has not been 

Furthermore, after issuing "su -" command breaks lastlog and shows a lot of fake 
00:00 records.

I've changed a serverity of this bug, because it make really difficult to use 
ALM2.2 in multiuser environment, when on servers are present a lot of people.
Comment 6 Dmitry V. Levin 2004-02-06 23:58:39 MSK
When you login with "su -l", your login name changes. 
When you run "su" without "-l", your login name remains unchanged. 
Also, I see no fake records in output of the "last" command: 
joe      pts/1       :0               Fri Feb  6 23:51   still logged in    
root     pts/1       localhost        Fri Feb  6 23:51 - 23:51 (00:00)      
joe      pts/1       :0               Fri Feb  6 23:50 - 23:51 (00:00)      
When user joe issued "su -", user root logged on pts/1. 
That is, joe is not logged in on pts/1 untill root is logged out from pts/1. 
What's wrong with that? 
btw, I don't care of *unix systems which mishandle the "su -" case. 
Comment 7 Dmitry V. Levin 2004-02-07 00:00:29 MSK
Responce from origin of the patch: 
"Actually, the desired behavior is not what Ivan describes.  Namely, 
the intent of that code in su is to temporarily replace the entry, not 
to add a new one.  So the desired result would be to have two entries 
(for two root sessions), not four." 
Comment 8 Ivan Pesin 2004-02-07 12:52:53 MSK
Ok, I'm really sorry if I had hurt your feelings somehow, but I don't understand
why you are so sure, that other *nix-es mishandles "su -". Here is a comment
from su.c of rh9:

   -, -l, --login       Make the subshell a login shell.
                        Unset all environment variables except
                        TERM, HOME and SHELL (set as above), and USER
                        and LOGNAME (set unconditionally as above), and
                        set PATH to a default value.
                        Change to USER's home directory.
                        Prepend "-" to the shell's name.

If it'll be interesting for you same behavor have had all SCO unixes, saving
correction hp-ux, and a lot of other linux distributions.

Next, I agree that there should be two entries, not four. Ok, that's fine.

Again, if it'll be interesting for you I explain, why I think that current
behaivor, when su replaces entry with "root" username is not correct.

With such behaivor I can't see which users are currently in system. I see only
"root","root","root" ... Moreover, I can't see from where they have loggen in,
because "su -" changes FROM field to localhost now.

It's really not good from the administration point of view.

And way of thinking that the user, who have used "su -" command has logged out
is a nonsense! After logout from su shell it don't logout the system, it's going
back to the user shell. Furthermore, if you issue "su -" command user process
"bash" has an owner of "user". And system reports, that user is not in the system!

Further, according to lastlog after logout from su shell user logins to the
system, but any logs doesn't  have any information about users login. It makes
me think, that my system were cracked.

I would like to discuss this problem, and no way to hurt your filling, so please
don't be so brute in your answers, like in your sentence
"btw, I don't care of *unix systems which mishandle the "su -" case. "

May be there is a reason, why other "*unix systems which mishandle the "su -"
case. " ?
Comment 9 Michael Shigorin 2004-02-08 14:24:18 MSK
Still maybe there isn't: there were several su implementations floating around
for a long time, and the semantics differed quite noticeably.
Comment 10 Ivan Pesin 2004-02-08 17:11:02 MSK
Ok. Of course it's ALT prerogative to deside how "su" should work in your

I want to let you know, that is unaccustomed after rh,suse,and unixes because of
described reasons. And I'm still sure that it's not usefull to replace utmp
record with info "root bla-bla localhost". Nothing informative. Now, to get
information about who is in the system I have to use something like 
ps -ef | grep -- -bash | grep -v grep, and to get info about source of
connection I should make a deep magic with lastlog or netstat.
And last one, I want to ask you when approx. will be available update at least
with provided patch?
Comment 11 Dmitry V. Levin 2004-02-08 17:27:50 MSK
One more question to clarify the situation: 
I think that after "su -" logname(1) should print "root". 
Do you agree with this assumption? 
About timelines, I'm not decided yet how to fix the issue since it may change behaviour. 
Comment 12 Ivan Pesin 2004-02-08 18:07:47 MSK
Thanks for your quick answer, Dmitry.

Now, about your question touching logname(1). I've made a little investigation.
I tried following command sequence in rh6.2/7.3/9, sco osr5/unixware7 :
1. login as regular user "ivan"
2. su -
3. logname
in all cases (5 times) I got from logname output "ivan". It looks like all of
them don't make changes in utmp log after issuing "su -" command. I don't have
access on weekend to suse/solaris, but I think there will be same situation.

ok, now back to our subject at hand. I think it's good for logname to return
"root" in "su -" environment, but it's bad to remove (change utmp entry for)
user, who did not logged out. He's in the system, he has issued "su -" command,
but he didn't logged out.

That's my oppinion. May be it really makes a sense not to change utmp entry but
add another for "su -" session? How do you think?
Comment 13 Dmitry V. Levin 2004-02-08 19:05:56 MSK
Concerning your OS review, I'd like to know *BSD behaviour in this case. 
Adding second utmp entry with the same ut_line will result to uncertainty in getlogin(3) 
behaviour, and therefore in logname(1) output: it will return first record with given ut_line. 
Comment 14 Ivan Pesin 2004-02-08 19:24:13 MSK
Ok, *bsd behavior I'll describe tomorrow, since I have no access to that OS
during weekend also.

Comment 15 Dmitry V. Levin 2004-02-09 02:02:00 MSK
Created attachment 342 [details]

Here is a patch I'm going to use instead of
Comment 16 Ivan Pesin 2004-02-09 13:21:31 MSK
Could you please describe in few words behaviour of su after applying this patch 
and after which patch I have to apply it when building?

Now about *bsd behaviour of "su -":
FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE-p1 :
ssh hellfire -l admin
hellfire-admin:~ >$ su -
hellfire-root:~ ># logname
hellfire-root:~ >#
ssh thewall
kazantip:~ >$ su -
root:~ ># logname

I've also checked in suse9 -- same situation, after "su -" logname(1) returns 
regular user name, not "root".

So, how will ALT handle this situation?
Comment 17 Dmitry V. Levin 2004-02-23 03:56:02 MSK
Fixed in 0.60-alt20 (Sisyphus) and 0.60-owl22 (Owl-current): 
SimplePAMApps-0.60-owl-alt-login-su-ut_id.patch replaces 
Thanks for interesting discussion. 
Comment 18 Ivan Pesin 2004-02-23 11:05:36 MSK
thanks for fixing.
Comment 19 Ivan Pesin 2004-02-24 18:25:02 MSK
Will be fixed rpm available as update for ALM2.2?
Comment 20 Dmitry V. Levin 2004-02-24 18:43:47 MSK
Do you think it worths errata? 
Comment 21 Ivan Pesin 2004-02-24 19:04:12 MSK
I think worth.

If it's interesting for you, I'm running ALM2.2 as db/router/access servers.
I'm planning 28 alm2.2 server installations in region (now I've five), and 
people are working in terminal mode there. It means that all of them do ssh to 
the servers. Some servers have 50 concurent on-line users load. And it's vitaly 
to know how much people there are on-line. The same reason was why I wanted ALM 
behaviour to be the same as other linuxes/unixes in logname(1) handling. But as 
I understood you decide to left it as it was. 

And AFAIK ALM2.2 is last available stable server distribution from ALT (am I 
wrong? compact is beta, isn't it?), so I think fixes of such problems in core 
utils should be available via apt-get.

Comment 22 Dmitry V. Levin 2004-02-24 19:17:09 MSK
Ok, I'llprepare update for ALM2.2 
Comment 23 Ivan Pesin 2004-02-24 19:20:31 MSK
thank you