Bug 48309 - task in an unknown state after interrupted by quota delsub operation
Summary: task in an unknown state after interrupted by quota delsub operation
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Infrastructure
Classification: Infrastructure
Component: girar (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86 Linux
: P5 normal
Assignee: placeholder@altlinux.org
QA Contact: Andrey Cherepanov
Depends on:
Reported: 2023-11-02 17:36 MSK by nbr
Modified: 2023-11-02 17:36 MSK (History)
2 users (show)

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Description nbr 2023-11-02 17:36:32 MSK
after attempt to delsub operation a quota fired.
$ssh <gi> task delsub 332723 1040
<message about quota exceeded>
a task is now in a unknown state
$ ssh <gi> task show 332723 
id=332723 locked=no shared=no fail_early=yes test_only=yes repo=sisyphus owner=nbr state= try=14 iter=1 age=0w build_time=2023-Oct-31/19:40:53 message=rebuild_with_new_erlang
$ ssh <gi> task delsub 332723 1040
task delsub: task #332723 is in unrecognized state ""